Sunday, October 21, 2012


Tabitha has been busy. Busy popping bubbles, hiding under parachutes, chasing balls, playing the drum, and learning new songs in music class.

Busy grabbing leaves, both in the trees and on the ground.

Busy at the playground, swinging on swings and playing peek-a-boo in these tall plastic wavy thingys with holes cut out of them. (They don't make playgrounds like they used to.)

But mostly, she's been busy walking. She took her first unassisted steps just a week and a half shy of her ninth month. So far, it has proved near impossible to get a picture. Her mobility combined with a fascination of straps and of seeing herself on my camera has put a major dent in my picture taking. Just getting these pictures with my phone was a small miracle. But I'm working on it.


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